officer blog


hamish williams

campaigns & democracy
[email protected]

let’s talk accountability: what have i accomplished with accommodation?

I’ve been busy behind the scenes with the developments surrounding accommodation. To continue my transparent relationship with you all, here is what the update is! 

Since December, I have emailed the Head of Accommodation and Director of Sport and Commercial Services suggesting that the accommodation process needs to become more strategic, ideally to resemble the Liverpool accommodation model.  This has been followed by positive discussions with further meetings scheduled to take place. I have planned how to approach this over the next semester, and I am looking at creating an accommodation manifesto for the SU which will consider on campus accommodation, student purpose-built accommodation as well as private properties in the local community.  

  • Work is being undertaken to work towards the NUS affordability model   

The aim is to make 25% of UEA accommodation to not exceed 50% of the maximum student loan, a more realistic price which students can afford.  

  • Working towards an Understanding of Memorandum 

The goal is for the university and SU to agree to a set of guidelines and strengthen the accommodation rent setting process through this, again like the Liverpool model I mentioned before.  

  • Working to create an accommodation manifesto  

This will look at the variety of accommodations that exist, which include campus, off campus, as well as student purpose-built accommodation. This will also look at the different students that inhabit these accommodations (postgraduate, placement students…) If anyone has thoughts on what should go into this, please do get in touch with me! 

I’d really like to encourage you all to get in touch if you have personal experiences/ suggestions on what should go into the manifesto and understanding of memorandum. You can contact me by my email [email protected]


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