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em anderson

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5 reasons why you should switch to a menstrual cup

It's 2019, periods are not a taboo thing anymore, or at least they shouldn’t be - so let's talk about menstrual cups.

They’re one of the newer period products that are hitting the market, but women are still sticking to the usual sanitary pad or tampon. Here is why I think changing to the cup is a great idea...

  1. It's environmentally friendly: your typical period products like tampons, sanitary pads, etc. all have an impact on environmental waste. The packaging, plastic and cardboard that are used in products will accumulate to 200,000 tonnes of waste a year as women use 11,000 one-time menstrual products. 

  2. They are financially beneficial: Whilst the university provides free tampons and sanitary pads, it is unrealistic to depend solely on these because we all know mother nature can call at the most random times. Buying products means you’re likely to rack up a hefty bill every year. By switching to the menstrual cup, it is a one-off purchase and you can even get a free one from advice(su).  

  3. It is empowering: this is you being in control of your period. Also, you’re not getting ripped off by companies who are capitalising on you having a period, we can’t help it! 

  4. There is less risk of leakage: The menstrual cup can be used between 6-12 hours; this depends on your flow. There is less risk of leaking than with tampons or pads. In fact, regardless of the cramps and mood swings which cannot be fixed by a menstrual cup sadly, you barely feel like you’re on your period! 

  5. It is easier to use than you think:  

  • Sterilize the cup: before the first use, sterilize the cup in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. 

  • Fold and insert the menstrual cup 

  • Check if the cup is unfolded: make sure to feel around the base of the cup – it should feel round or oval and not have any noticeable folds. If you feel any dents gently adjust it until it feels comfortable and unfolded  

  • Remove the menstrual cup: when removing the menstrual cup pull slightly on the stem until you can reach the base. Give the base of the cup a pinch to release the suction and ease it out. Avoid removing your menstrual cup by pulling the stem as this might cause discomfort.   

  • Empty and re-insert: it may take you a few days or even a few periods to become comfortable with the cup. Make sure it’s cleaned again before reinserting Experiment with different folding and insertion techniques and after a little bit of time you’ll have mastered the art of using a menstrual cup! 

At the end of the day, only you know what works for you and your period. I think it’s important though to look after our planet while we’re looking after ourselves.  


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