
Education Committee Fund 21


This year your Education Committee has decided to put the majority of their budget aside to develop a fund for students to access support for funds in relation to their studies, taking into consideration the impacts of the ongoing pandemic. If you have incurred unexpected costs relating to your education or studying remotely; or can no longer afford to purchase equipment or resources for your studies, please read the below carefully and send your completed application to Lindsay at [email protected].

Before you apply:

To ensure we can distribute the limited funds as equitably as possible please consider using the following avenues of the university hardship fund and consider applying to this fund once exhausted other options. Students can only have one successful application in this academic year, but applications of up to £150 or above will be considered by Committee at discretion of the Chair. Applicants are expected to first explore the below financial options before applying to the Education Committee Fund.

UEA have tried to make their Hardship Fund more accessible due to the pandemic and you may also be eligible for the Access to Learning Fund. , you can find more information here or alternatively contact the UEA Student Finance team in Student Support Services.

We have our own independent advice(su) service who can provide free and impartial financial advice to students struggling and encourage those who are to do so as soon as possible.

Please make sure you have read our Terms of Reimbursement before applying.

The Education Committee fund

Applications under the amount of £150 will be considered by your Education Committee. Amounts above this may be considered but this will be at the discretion of the Chair. To ensure there are no delays with applications of payments please send your application and subsequent evidence as soon as you reasonably can. If your application goes to our committee you will be informed of the decision within 10 working days.

We can only make payments in the form of reimbursement upon receiving full evidence for itemised costs. This fund may be used for the purposes of buying resources to help with your studies, cost of travel to return to campus to gain facilities or to leave campus to study remotely if that will better suit you as a student, or for textbooks or other study equipment needed. Other requests may be considered at the discretion of the chair. Applications may be approved in full or in part for the requests made.

This fund will be available until the end of this academic year unless funding was to run out. Committee reserve the right to refuse funding to any students, and please note this funding could stop at any point. Once you have been successful with funding you will not be able to apply again within the same academic year to cater to as many students as possible.

To apply, please download the application form here and send the completed form and evidence to Lindsay at [email protected]. Please save the file as your name and only submit the form in Microsoft Word format.

To ensure fairness when voting on applications you will have the option to anonymise your details before circulating with the committee. Only Student Voice staff and the SU finance team will have access to the details you submit in the application.

Any questions please get in touch with Lindsay at [email protected]