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Academic Representative Elections

The time has come to become an Academic Rep for your course, School or Faculty!

You will be able to nominate yourself to be a rep if you have the following criteria:

  • Be a registered student for the academic year 2022-23!
  • Have a passion for speaking on behalf of friends and others
  • Annoyed about injustice and want to make a difference
  • An appetite for self-development and leadership skills

Being an academic rep is a fantastic opportunity!

You’ll learn new skills, meet new people, and become an important part of the student community at UEA. You will be supported by the SU from September - June on advocating for yourself and lead change within your course, School and Faculty.

For more information on the role, including more detail on the job entails and the training you’ll receive, please email us or look at our Rep FAQs section.

Positions available:

4 Faculty Convenors: Faculty Level Representation and listening and overseeing the representation of School Convenors and Course reps. Taking important feedback at university level meetings, example: Faculty Teaching and Quality Committees (FLTQC’s)

22 School Convenors: Ensures entire School Representation and listens to the views of Course Reps. They are the Chair of Student Staff Liaison Committee’s; this role should liaise between course reps and Faculty Convenors.

Course Reps (Limited per course): Course Level Representation for those in your course and gathering feedback on the ground.


Interested in running for representative of your course, school or faculty? Right this way!

Select your faculty from the options below:

Frequently Asked Questions

Elections can be a confusing time. We've compiled the most common questions into a handy little FAQ!

Find out more