What are the roles available?

What are the roles available?

Positions available are:

Course Representatives for each course and year of study,

The role of  a Course Rep is to gather feedback from those on course and year of study, and feed these into the school providing solutions for change and evidence if possible. The main method of presenting these will be on the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) and through contact with their Student Partnership Officer. In some schools Course Reps will also be asked to attend additional meetings when the school requires student feedback.


School Convener, one for each School.

The role of a School Convener is to gather feedback from students across the school (both Undergraduates and Postgraduates) and feed these into School meetings and Committees. They will be the Student Co-chair on the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) in their School, as well as attend School Board and other committees on behalf of the student body. Additionally they will be a member of the Education Executive in the Students' Union and will attend Union Council where possible. If you are interested in this position, but would like to nominate for Course Representative as well in case you are not successful in nomination for this role, then please do so.

Faculty Convener, one UG position and one PG position for every Faculty.

The role of a Faculty Convener is to gather feedback from students across the wider faculty and feed these into Faculty level meetings and committees including the Faculty Learning, Teaching and Quality Committe. This role is expected to support the School Conveners and discuss with them issues that have been raised to identify problems across the Faculty. They will also be invited to attend School Student Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) where possible. As a Faculty Convener will be a member of the Education Executive in the Students' union and will attend Union Council where possible.

Once in role, all reperesentatives will receive support from officers and staff as well as specific Representative Training for their role. They will also all be invited to the Student Leadership Programme which will include a residential away from campus.
