
I'm under 18 years old

under 18s in clubs and societies 


If you are under 18 years old you may still become a member of some clubs and societies, but you will need some extra permissions.

Please read our under 18s in clubs and societies policy for more information. 


How do I join a club or society if I am under 18?

To become a member of a club or society as an under 18, you must first complete this form and return it to [email protected]. This form must detail your contact information, your parent or guardians contact information, and the clubs and societies you are looking to join.

Once we have this document, we will contact the committee members of the relevant clubs and societies to ensure they are aware and happy to have an under 18 in their group.

Following approval from the committee members, we will then set you up to purchase memberships to the clubs and societies you have stated you want to join. If you are looking to join a club, you will also be set up to buy your SAM, which is a compulsory fee all club members must buy.

What clubs and societies can I join if I am under 18?

You can join nearly all clubs or societies pending approval from your parent/guardian and approval from the club or society's committee. However, there are a handful of societies that under 18's are not permitted to join even if they have the relevant consent. These societies are Cocktail, Real Ale, and Poker.

You can look at our list of societies here
You can look at our list of clubs here


What activities are under 18 club or society members prohibited from participating in?

Under 18s should not take part in the following as a member of a student group: 

  • Any activity in which it is a legal requirement to take part. For example, under 18s must not drink at club or society events as the legal age for drinking in the United Kingdom is 18.

  • Any trips with the society without consent from a parent or guardian.

  • Any very high-risk activity, such as sky-diving, without consent from a parent or guardian.