
the graduate centre


the graduate centre

The Graduate Centre is the upstairs space within Union House that is dedicated solely to postgraduate and mature undergraduate students. This space consists of: Scholars' Bar, Scholars' Lounge, the Graduate Kitchen, and two bookable study rooms. The Graduate Centre is managed by the Graduate Centre Manager. 

Social and academic space on campus is a contentious issue, particularly for postgraduates, who have very little space that is specifically for them - which is why the Graduate Centre is so important. Postgraduates - this space is yours! Scholars' Bar is card-access only, offering postgraduates a dedicated place to relax and socialise away from the wider world of UEA. The two bookable rooms feature IT facilities and can be booked at Scholars' Bar. Regular events are held within the Scholars' Bar, including a weekly pub quiz! Follow Scholars' Bar on Facebook for more information.

The importance of The Graduate Centre was emphasised in a 2018 meeting of the Graduate Centre Management Group, a report from which was written up, and can be found here.

Are you a PGR looking for a PGR-only workspace? The Doctoral Training Suite recently opened in Constable Terrace. For more information, click here.