
extenuating circumstances


If your ability to study, complete coursework or exam performance is negatively affected by external factors outside your control this is known as an “extenuating circumstance”.

 As a UEA student, if your performance is, or is likely to be affected by extenuating circumstances, you have the right to ask for those to be taken into account when your work is being assessed. It is essential to let the University know as soon as you can about any issues so that they can be taken into account when decisions are made about matters such as time extensions, academic results or progression. 
How do I report ECs?

ECs must be reported online via E:vision by students on undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes.  UEA guidance for using the reporting system is available at 

What should I include?


Your EC report is more likely to be accepted if you:


  • give enough detail about the circumstances and how they have had an effect on your study

  • provide appropriate supporting evidence (unless you are using one of your self-certificate extensions)

  • make sure they fit within the EC guidelines followed by the UEA. You can see these here

Some things to note about the online form:
  1. You can ask for two extensions of 3 days in each academic year without providing supporting evidence, but you still need to give a valid reason for needing extra time.

  2. The boxes where you complete details of the circumstances and the impact on you have a 200 character limit. This is unlikely to be enough space for you to explain your ECs in enough detail. In that case,  type in "Please see email" and  include a full explanation in an email to the Hub

  3. If you are asking for more than one thing (for example - a time extension and consideration of your circumstances by the end of year board), you must submit separate reports for each.

  4. If you have a problem with an assessment (for example missing an exam because of illness, or are late submitting work) you must make an EC report within 2 working days of the exam or submission date 

  5. If you are requesting a third extension or an extension of more than 3 days or using the form for anything other than an extension, you will have to submit evidence by email to the Hub. Make sure you list your evidence on the form and email it to the Hub within 5 days.

If you are unsure about how much detail you need to give or what evidence you need to provide, come and see us. You can also download our info guide on the process here. You may also find our advice guide on providing supporting evidence useful.

You can check deadlines for submitting ECs for your course using the tool on this page:

ECs relating to exams and assessment events should be reported within two working days of the exam /hand-in date wherever possible and if that is not possible you must say why there has been a delay.


How can advice(su) help me?

Our advice team have a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with extenuating circumstances. We offer appointments by phone, face to face, Microsoft Teams or by email.


In your appointment, your advice worker will discuss with you all of the options open to you and provide you with their advice on what course of actions you should take. Whether in the meeting or later your advice worker can help you make contact with the University and others if more information is needed, support you in completing your extenuating circumstances form, find the right language to express your situation and be a point of contact should you have any questions or issues.

During the summer term, we run workshops to help with reporting ECs in the run-up to the exam period. Experienced advisers explain everything you need to do and how to put your evidence together, plus answer any questions you have.
