


uea(su) can provide your club or society with anti-racism training. Please email [email protected] to request this. 

White privilege

Through what we have watched, what we have read and what we have heard, often without realising it, we have absorbed some of these prejudices, which later develop into implicit or unconscious bias. This impacts how we view the world and interact with others. The biases can be reflected in many ways, with one of them being our language. Certain phrases and questions are repeated that has become too familiar for people of colour. These type of phrases, are microaggressions and are one of the ways that people of colour can be made to feel alienated or out of place.

But, where are you really from?

How is your English so good?

But you don't look black



A microaggression is a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (often a racial minority).

Some examples of microaggressions:

- Touching someone’s hair e.g. touching afro-textured hair

- Crossing over to the other side of the street to avoid someone from a different ethnicity

- Being treated less favourably or with more suspicion in a shop than a white person

- ‘Where are you really from?’

- Offering more support or help to white students

-Talking over people with lived experiences of the issue

How could you tackle racism in your student group

- Listen to people with lived experience.

- Don’t talk over someone sharing their lived experience

- Challenge subtle forms of racism (such as microaggressions) that you witness taking place

- If someone has experienced racism and want to report it, let them know how they can report this. Such as using the report and support website. If they want to report the case in person you could offer to go with them.

- Celebrate and run events that are culturally diverse. For example, run an event as part of Black History Month.

Eradicate Hate

Eradicate Hate is an SU anti-racism campaign devised by students to address racism on campus and ensure that Black students and students of colour are properly supported. The campaign is designed to educate the community at UEA on what constitutes racist behaviour, to create an anti-racism culture on campus, and to inform students on how to report racist incidents and get support.

Report and support 

The Report and Support portal is a place for students and staff to report incidents of harassment, assault, abuse or bullying of any kind, and is a place to seek support if this has happened to you. 

What is a hate crime or hate incident?

Hate incidents and hate crimes are acts of hostility and violence directed at someone because of who they are or who someone thinks they are.

What types of incidents may be hate incidents?

  • verbal abuse like name-calling and offensive jokes
  • bullying or intimidation
  • physical attacks
  • threats of violence
  • hoax calls, abusive phone or text messages, hate mail
  • online abuse for example on facebook or twitter
  • displaying or circulating discriminatory literature or posters
  • malicious complaints for example over parking, smells or noise
  • microaggressions