Group of students standing on a hill

Get involved

How to get invovled with uea(su) democracy 


uea(su) democracy is the way you as students can make real change to impact your time at university. From Course Representation and truly ensuring yoru education is the best it can be, being on Union Council and taking an idea and turning it into a policy, there is no limit to how you can make change. The union is here for you, run by you and to ensure you get the best experience at university. If you think you can change something, or want to be a part of the collective, see below for ways to get involved! 


Course Representation:


Course reps are student volunteers who represent the views of their course mates to their School and to the Students’ Union. There are usually two representatives per year group per course across the University, but this depends on the number of students on the course. Course reps work to make sure that UEA is an even better place to learn and that their course mates enjoy their studies.

For more information and how to be a course rep, click here:


Union Council:

Union Council is your democratic forum. Per our requiremrents from the 1994 educations act, our memebrs; students, have the ability and say to shape and from the union through the creation and democatic voting of policies. These policies form our bye-laws, campaigns and priorities as a union. To have a say, you must be elected as a union council representative for your sports and society club.

For more information on this, and how to get involved with Union Council, click here:


Liberation Societies and Assemblies

uea(su) works very hard to champion and defend liberation groups such as women+ (women and non-binary students), BAME people, LGBT+ people and people with disabilities. We also defend the right of international students and mature students. Therefore each group has their own liberation Societies or Assembly to represent their interests, self-organise and elect their own representatives to Union Council. In order to keep the privacy of these groups you will need to login to access them.

For more information on this, and how to get involved with the various assemblies, click here:

The Postgraduate Assembly and Committee:


The Postgraduate Assembly is open to all postgraduates and will discuss issues and policies to ensure that decisions affecting postgraduates are made by sets postgraduate-focused policy to mandate the work of the PostgraduateSU Committee and Postgraduate representatives of the Student Officer Committee. The Postgraduate Committee, which is elected by the Assembly take part in decisions on allocating the SU's £15,000 postgraduate(su) budget, organising events and campaigns, and use of the Graduate Centre.

For more information and how to get involved with the Postgraduate Asembly and Comittere, click here:


I have an idea! 

Do you have an idea on how to make UEA better? Maybe you are passionate about somthing you think would benifit everyone at uea? either way, you can use this page to suggest policy ideas for UEA SU. If you get 425 signatures (classified as up-votes) on your policy petition, within 30 calendar days of its formation, a referendum of all students will automatically be held on that topic. click here!