
democracy review referendum


Voting in the democracy review has closed, but you can still view all the relevant information about it below!

We have conducted a Democracy Review in 2020 to analyse our systems and processes and make it easier for you to engage with them.  You can now exercise your power and vote on what democratic system we use.

  • Did you know that uea(su) is run and lead by students, for students?
  • Did you know as a UEA student, you are automatically a member of the SU?
  • If you don’t, you’re probably not the only one!

Students have a lot of power at the Students' Union – in fact, they have all the power! It’s hard to get it right when we’re trying to represent 17,000 students, but we know we could be making it easier for you to talk to us.

We know that UEA students are busy, and we also know that we’ve been doing things the same way for a long time. When you have back to back lectures, a part-time job, essays to write, children to care for, jobs to apply for, a social life to maintain – who has time for old and tired ‘governance procedures’?!

But uea(su) is here for you and run by you, so we need to make it easy for you to use your power as a student to shape your University.  uea(su) is constantly evolving, so we are always looking at how to improve how we represent you as our members. As part of this we have run a democracy review that looked at our current democratic structures and the culture underpinning them, and made recommendations, with a goal of ensuring you are at the heart of every decision we make.  Below you will find three recommended options from the review and details of what each model looks like.  What will your flavourite be?

Click each cone below for more information about the democracy review options you can vote on. Pick your flavourite and cast your vote between the 9th-12th March!


Option A

Option B

Option C

Democracy Option A - A Suggested New Model Democracy Option B - A Suggested New Model Democracy Option C - The Current Model
For a more detailed description of each model, click:
Option A | Option B | Option C
A Game of Cones
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