
Never OK

Mission Statement:
We believe that everyone has the right to live, study and work in a safe and supportive environment.  That everybody is free from abuse, harassment and/or assault.  We strive to promote a safe campus and safe city.


“We all share a responsibility to create and maintain a safe, inclusive and welcoming culture on campus.  Students and staff have the right to study, live and socialise in a safe community and as Vice Chancellor of UEA, I pledge to provide clear leadership and support for our Never Ok campaign”.         Professor David Richardson


Never Ok aims to:

·         To foster a culture where there is zero tolerance for sexual harassment, violence or hate crime against anyone.

·         To enable frank, open and honest discussion about issues and provide clear signposting to training and support for all.

·         To support and engage with our wider communities beyond the campus to challenge negative behaviour and promote a safe culture for all.


uea(su) has zero tolerance towards:

·         Sexual assault and harassment.  Unwelcome sexual advances, verbal, written or physical contact without consent.

·         Hate Crimes. Physical or verbal abuse towards a person or property based on the victims real or perceived race, religion, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation or disability.

·         Relationships/Domestic Abuse. Emotional or physical behaviour by a person in a relationship to control another.

·         Harassment and Bullying. Any unwanted behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated, degraded, humiliated or offended. 

·         Honour crimes, FGM, Forced Marriages.  Enforced activities, including marriage, mutilation or violence against women.


Zero Tolerance:
uea(su) is committed to providing a safe environment to all students, staff and visitors. The University promises to thoroughly investigate all reports of inappropriate behaviour and conduct, and will implement recommendations and/or actions in line with the disciplinary policy, equality and diversity policies, and contract of employment.

Unconsenting Media:

Unconsenting Media is a database which aims to provide information about sexual assault in TV and movies.