Navigate Norfolk Day Walk - Bowthorpe Marsh - 5 miles

Saturday 17 April 2021, 10am - 12:30pm

Meet at UEA Mega Bus Stop

Come join us for one of our FREE group walks. Get outside in the fresh air, enjoy the beautiful surrounding area and socialise with others. See description below for COVID-19 documents

Join one of our Navigate Norfolk Day Walks for FREE. Take a break, stretch your legs and get outside in the fresh air to explore the beautful scenery Norfolk has to offer, whilst being able to socialise with others. The walks are all COVID secure and are led by volunteers. 

Please be at the UEA mega bus stop 10 minutes before the listed start time so we can check you in and go through all the COVID-19 related amendments to the sesions. The walk is approximately 8.1 miles long. If you have a query regarding accessibility please don't hesiate to email [email protected] with any questions. 

Please ensure you wear appropriate footwear and appropriate clothing for the time of year. If you want to see a provisional route please visit this link:

Please bring your own refreshments or some money if you wish to purchase something from a shop or cafe. Time will be made for a comfort break on the walk.

Session terms and conditions

By booking on the session you are agreeing to take responsiiblity to read the COVID-19 related amendments to the session (listed below) that summarise the alterations to our sessions. More detail on risk assessment and session work procedures can be found by following this link: . It is your responsiiblity to familriase yourself with these documents, prior to attending this trip.

Below is a summary of the changes required for the sessions to be able to go ahead. 

  • We have reduced the capacities to 15 participants 
  • Please all observe 2m social distancing at all times 
  • Please do not cluster in groups of more than 6
  • Make sure you have signed in with the trip leader
  • Make sure you have completed the pre-trip survey for emergency contact details etc. – this would have been sent out to you via email.
  • If you are displaying COVID-19 symptoms you should not attend (cough, temperature, loss of taste/smell)

Precautions include:

  • wash or sanitise your hands regularly (we have this available if you don’t - just as a staf member or volunteer).
  • avoid touching your face
  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing
  • touch as few surfaces as possible
  • avoid loud talking, shouting or singing
  • dispose of waste safely, including items such as used disposable face coverings
  • If you start feeling unwell/displaying COVID symptoms let one of the volunteers know.
  • We may be taking photos/filming so let one of the staff/volunteers know if you do not want to be in any photos/videos

Please take a FREE ticket above to book your place


We're committed to making sure all Do Something Different events are as accessible as possible for all students.

This event requires physical activity so if any attendees with individual concerns about their accessibility are advised to contact uea+sport via [email protected] for additional support. 

uea+sport privacy notice

Sessions are organised and run by uea+sport and may require some information from you regarding your participantion in the session. Therefore, please visit the uea+sport/Sportspark privacy notice to understand what datas we may require and how we use it. This can be found here:

What is Do Something Different?

The Do Something Different Programme is about trying a new activity and sparking your interests! We aim to encourage greater student interaction from across schools, liberations and courses that build your knowledge and skills as individuals. Perhaps you've been looking to try a new sport, attending a live music performance, or dabbling in an academic subject that piques your interest? We collate a wide variety of different activities happening across campus - from sports and games, to trips and extracurricular lectures! 

There's always something happening every single day, and most events are absolutely free or cost very little! The best events will return during the Do Something Different Festival in Semester Two - a week-long celebration in which teaching is suspended for you to try a huge range of activities! Stay tuned for the full Festival programme coming soon! 

If you had a great time at a DSD event, make sure you head to the website and leave your feedback and stories! Tell us about your ideas and what you want to see under Do Something Different.

Keep up to date with all of our DSD events by checking our Calendar (, and follow us on Twitter at @UEASU_DSD and uea+sport via instagram and Twitter @ueasport.
