officer blog


lizzie payne

activities & opportunities
[email protected]

introducing #DoesYouGood

This week I'm launching the #DoesYouGood campaign, promoting the benefits of sport to students' mental health, one of my key priorities for this year. 


why's this happening?

This campaign is in response to the British Active Students Survey (the biggest of it's kind to date). The results show that as well as having a positive effect on mental wellbeing, physical activity also has a positive impact on lonliness, employability and academic attainment, leading us onto the tagline students who work out work better. The results are summarised here:


how can I get active?

At UEA we have loads of ways to get involved in physical activity...

  1. Introduced in 2001, the Ziggurat Challenge is a free programme of weekly events open to all students, staff and alumni competing in within schools. From Tag Rugby to Zorb Football, there's something for everyone - so check out the events timetable and come and represent your course!
  2. Our award winning UEActive Programme launched in 2014 and offers a range of £1 drop in sessions ever week for Football, Climbing, Swimming, Badminton, Squash, Gymnastics and Volleyball, as well as a range of £2 group exercise classes. There's also a range of social leagues and tournaments available, more information is online.  
  3. This year's seen the launch of the Chill Out or Smash it Out programme to help de-stress students  which includes FREE Boxfit, Yoga and social running groups througout the week. To book on to these, phone the sportspark on 01603 592398.

As usual, if you have any questions just drop me an email on [email protected]. Have a great week!

